Adult/Chaperone Agenda

Adults and Chaperones, during the student’s workshop session we ask that you do not attend. We ask that you attend the adult/chaperone session and allow the young men the space with their workshop presenter(s) and peers. We thank you for your support, understanding and look forward to your attendance.

8:00 - 9:00am Check-In and Breakfast
9:00 - 10:00am Presidents of Color: The Tea, Struggles, Realities and Triumphs

Historically, the typical college president is a 62-year-old white male with a Ph.D. or Ed.D. in education. In 2016, 70 percent of presidents were men, and 83 percent of presidents were white. Since 1986, the percentage of women presidents has increased from 10 percent to 30 percent, and the percentage of non-white presidents increased from eight percent to 17 percent. Only five percent of presidents are women of color. This is problematic in future years as the college-going population continues to diversify. Without greater intentionality on the part of the entire higher education community, the demographics of the presidency will continue to lag behind broader demographic trends. However, the state of Washington has begun to address these start statistics, hiring a significant number of Presidents of color in the past few years. While historic and thrilling, these positions are filled with obstacles, challenges, tensions and an extreme level of politics – intensified as Presidents of color. This workshop/panel will discuss the paths that each President took in achieving their goals of serving as President. In addition, these paths discussed will provide guidance and a frank conversation to staff and faculty who aspire to administrative roles (Dean, VP, President). The hope is the stories and discussion presented will provide a realistic understanding of the Executive role as a person for color as the pipeline continues to grow for individuals of color seeking these transformative opportunities.

10:15 - 10:30am Celebrating 10 years: Rashad Norris
10:30 - 11:30am Student Panel: Black & Brown Experience

The student panel will comprise of past participants of the Black and Brown Male Summit. They will talk about their experiences as black and brown males in today’s climate for young men of color. They will highlight the tools and strategies that they have gained over the years of attending the summit. They will also provide feedback on how communities and schools can assist in creating environments where young black and brown men feel more welcomed with positivity and less objectified as angry and non-motivated. The panel will also answer questions from the audience.

11:40am - 1:00pm Culturally Relevant Practices

The panel of culturally relevant practices specialists will talk about the designs and strategies that they use to connect and engage with students of various ethnic backgrounds. Each panelist has special and unique methods in engaging the young people, that truly touches on their cultural roots that has been unseen from them in the school system, curriculum, and possibly through their upbringing. Panel will answer questions that will help provide insight on the missing formula of youth engagement.

1:00 - 2:10pm Lunch
2:10 - 3:00pm Who’s in the room: Activity
3:00 - 4:00pm Passing the Baton to the Next Generation

Dr. Carlos will give a powerful speech that will enlighten the young men of the many trailblazers that have come before them and laid a path of resiliency and encouragement along the way. He will share many of his own personal barriers and obstacles that he had to overcome. In particular, he will speak about the 1968 Olympics and how he and his teammates had a moment to “Take Over” their bodies and voices in a memorable demonstration.